Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On hindsight, one months fly by really quickly. (when you're having fun)

I was relieved that I had made it when my exams finally ended, and looking forward to one month of good, solid rest. Before I knew it, school had started again. The holidays were memorable though. I still remember how I kept praying that I would hold out till the end of the exams because I didn't want to repeat the semester again. And God did.. I only landed in the hospital after that. Though it was horrible, I'm so thankful that I wasn't in that state one week earlier or later.

One month ago, I was waiting in anticipation for Joses' return. Before I knew it, it was time to go again. Though the loss stings me from time to time, I thank God for the month that passed.

Now i hope one month flies by really quickly while i'm in school.. so that CNY would come soon. heh.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

and the madness starts again tmr. woohoo. hopefully this sem won't be as tough as last sem was. but im going easy on myself at least for the first few weeks! last sem has taught me that studying hard consistently could lead to me burning out and falling sick RIGHT before the exams. heh..

Monday, January 01, 2007

"Lord of past ages, Lord of this morning,
Lord of the future, help us we pray.
Teach us to trust You, love and obey You,
Crown You each moment Lord of today."