Wednesday, February 08, 2006

sigh.. maybe stomach flu is God's way of telling me to treasure the food around me. after having to stick to plain porridge and not more than 2 slices of bread per meal, give me anything and i'd gladly down it. bread seriously never tasted so good! i don't recall ever looking forward to having bread for breakfast. but hey.. today i did. i guess that's also a sign that i'm recovering.. hunger pangs! thank God. :)

heh.. have learnt not to take even sitting up or walking around for granted either. after yesterday's traumatic experience of not being able to sit or walk for more than 10 minutes without my stomach and back screaming in pain, it reeaaaaaally feels wonderful being able to sit up and do lab reports, and blog!

well.. i guess the pace of life accelerates again once i return to school tomorrow, having missed two lectures and two practs.. but i've already planned out what i want to feast on once i get well! (and selfishly hidden my favourite chocolate cake so the rest can't finish it on my behalf.. heh)

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