Monday, February 25, 2008

On guidance...

" But the true way to honour the Holy Spirit as our guide is to honour the Holy Scriptures through which He guides us. The fundamental guidance which God gives to shape our lives - the instilling, that is, of the basic convictions, attitudes, ideals and value-judgements, in terms of which we are to live - is not a matter of inward promptings apart from the Word but of the pressure on our consciences of the portrayal of God's character and will in the Word, which the Spirit enlightens us to understand and apply to ourselves.

The basic form of divine guidance, therefore, is the presentation to us of positive ideals as guidelines for all our living...

..... Only within the limits of this guidance does God prompt us inwardly in matters of 'vocational' decision... The Spirit leads within the limits which the Word sets, not beyond them. 'He guides me in paths of righteousness' - but not anywhere else. "

Taken from "Knowing God", JI Packer.


watermelonsorbet said...

u got ur blog up again! haha why no tagboardddd cannot SPAMMMMMM. heh

celine said...

grin.. im not very good at html so dunno how to do up my blog. :) u can always leave comments!

Anonymous said...