Thursday, September 08, 2005

decided to blog while printing my SDL project. i'm so happy it's finally done! one project down, many more to come! haha..not to mention my biochem test next wk!

well, yeah. i've been so busy and tired.. trying to cope with schoolwork and practising my piano more regularly cos my dip exam's coming up after my uni exams! and so many times during the week, i felt so weak and unable to cope. but truly, as written in 2 Corinthians, God's grace is sufficient for me and His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

as i reflected today, i realised that all that busyness and feeling weak has brought me to a realisation that i can't rely on my own strength cos by that, i'd probably burn out soon. and it's only that which made me realise the importance of relying on God. so, maybe feeling weak and helpless ain't so bad after all!!

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